Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Problem of Sin

Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned - Romans 5:12

It was sin, producing death in me . . . in order that sin might be shown to be sin, and through the commandment might become sinful beyond measure - Romans 7:13

Paul addresses two issues, concerning sin, in these verses.  First, sin is much worse than we could ever imagine.  Secondly, we all are infected with sin, resulting in certain death.  Let me address the first issue.  Man has always wanted to minimize the impact and offense of sin.  It is common to hear phrase like these:

     It was just a little white lie.

     Boys will be boys.

     (Insert sin) is not a big deal.

     I'm not hurting anyone.

     Its my body.

All of these indicate a deeper problem - we do not understand, or sometimes care, how big a deal sin is to God.  Its such a big deal that in Romans 7:13, the worst word Paul can use to describe sin is "sin."  The truth of the matter is that sin is the worst thing in the world.  God hates sin.  So while we like to brush over the sin in our lives, God is highly offended.  He created us and we have rebelled, refusing to acknowledge Him as creator and submitting to His will.

Many years ago I was working in a chemistry lab, when a woman broke a sealed tube with a very dangerous and deadly substance inside.  She brought me the tube with no concern as to the danger she was in.  Repeatedly I questioned her, "Did any of this touch your hand?"  She just did not see the big deal until I told her the danger she was in - "You could lose your hand if this came chemical came in contact with it."  Suddenly she was much more diligent in making sure she was not exposed.  This is the issue with sin.  Its deadly.  Upon exposure, even just one time, it results in an eternal death sentence.  My prayer is that you understand how serious this thing called sin really is.

Secondly, we all have been infected.  Scripture tells us, because of our sinful nature, we all are sinners (ALL OF US). We are liars, adulterers and murderers at heart, thieves, dishonorable to God and our parents, and covetous.  Remember even the smallest sin leads to death.  God must punish sin.  I know that this offensive (the truth often is) but you are not a good person.  I am not a good person.  There is no such thing as a good person.  If you are honest with yourself, you know this to be true.

In light of these terrifying truths, Jesus offers the cure.  The cure - the blood of Jesus Christ.  He cleanses us from sin with His own blood.  God's only son has made away to be forgiven and receive eternal life, avoiding the just punishment we deserve. But the question is how and this is where I want to pick up next week.

Next week - how do we biblically respond to the gospel?

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