Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Problem of Sin

Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned - Romans 5:12

It was sin, producing death in me . . . in order that sin might be shown to be sin, and through the commandment might become sinful beyond measure - Romans 7:13

Paul addresses two issues, concerning sin, in these verses.  First, sin is much worse than we could ever imagine.  Secondly, we all are infected with sin, resulting in certain death.  Let me address the first issue.  Man has always wanted to minimize the impact and offense of sin.  It is common to hear phrase like these:

     It was just a little white lie.

     Boys will be boys.

     (Insert sin) is not a big deal.

     I'm not hurting anyone.

     Its my body.

All of these indicate a deeper problem - we do not understand, or sometimes care, how big a deal sin is to God.  Its such a big deal that in Romans 7:13, the worst word Paul can use to describe sin is "sin."  The truth of the matter is that sin is the worst thing in the world.  God hates sin.  So while we like to brush over the sin in our lives, God is highly offended.  He created us and we have rebelled, refusing to acknowledge Him as creator and submitting to His will.

Many years ago I was working in a chemistry lab, when a woman broke a sealed tube with a very dangerous and deadly substance inside.  She brought me the tube with no concern as to the danger she was in.  Repeatedly I questioned her, "Did any of this touch your hand?"  She just did not see the big deal until I told her the danger she was in - "You could lose your hand if this came chemical came in contact with it."  Suddenly she was much more diligent in making sure she was not exposed.  This is the issue with sin.  Its deadly.  Upon exposure, even just one time, it results in an eternal death sentence.  My prayer is that you understand how serious this thing called sin really is.

Secondly, we all have been infected.  Scripture tells us, because of our sinful nature, we all are sinners (ALL OF US). We are liars, adulterers and murderers at heart, thieves, dishonorable to God and our parents, and covetous.  Remember even the smallest sin leads to death.  God must punish sin.  I know that this offensive (the truth often is) but you are not a good person.  I am not a good person.  There is no such thing as a good person.  If you are honest with yourself, you know this to be true.

In light of these terrifying truths, Jesus offers the cure.  The cure - the blood of Jesus Christ.  He cleanses us from sin with His own blood.  God's only son has made away to be forgiven and receive eternal life, avoiding the just punishment we deserve. But the question is how and this is where I want to pick up next week.

Next week - how do we biblically respond to the gospel?

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Gospel - Who Is God?

A couple weeks behind (VBS and a mission trip to Haiti), so its time to catch up . . . 

Who is like, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?  You stretched out your right hand; the earth swallowed them.  You have led in your steadfast love the people whom you have redeemed;  you have guided them by your strength to your holy abode. - Exodus 15:11-13 

Moses penned these verses after the Israelites were saved and the Egyptian army was destroyed, all by the hand of God.  The Israelites walked through dry ground, as the Red sea split and the Egyptian army was destroyed when the waters came crashing back down.  In this passage we get a glimpse of the nature of God.  God loves and rescues His redeemed while absolutely wiping the Egyptians off of the face of the earth.  How can these two attributes be reconciled?  Keep reading . . . 

His love, mercy, and grace 
No words can express the love of God.  His mercy and grace abounds beyond any human comprehension.  We are His creation, fearfully and wonderfully made.  We see this exemplified in the blessings and the good things He has given us.  Most importantly, a way of salvation through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.  Most of us hear often of this love in sermons, and books, even on TV.  "God loves you," is found on bumper stickers across the world.  Understand that God is love . . .  but understand that the character of God is not defined by love only . . .

His holiness, justice, and wrath
God is also Holy.  Be careful not to dismiss this to quickly.  God's holiness is also something that is beyond our comprehension.  Because He is holy - HE MUST JUDGE AND PUNISH SIN. God is moral perfection.  Since He is the creator and sustainer of the universe, He is the judge of His creation, requiring Him to pour out His wrath against sinners.  Now you might be thinking, "yea, but God is love so He will not punish man." But lets stop and think about this with this illustration:
        You have a  dear family member that was kidnapped and brutally murdered.  They police quickly          apprehend the suspect, who is tried and convicted.  His guilt is obvious to all.  At the sentencing, the vicious murderer appeals to the judge's goodness and says, "won't you just please forgive me and let me go?  Your a good judge, right?" 

What would you think of the judge that would free the man the killed your loved one.  You would think - this is a very bad judge.  He did not carry out justice.  Anger and frustration would fill your heart.  You would be justified in saying that this was grossly evil and unfair.  No sensible man believes that it is justice to overlook murder. This is the point - a good judge carries out justice.  But here is the issue - GOD IS FAR GREATER THAN A GOOD JUDGE.  HE IS A PERFECT AND HOLY JUDGE.  He will judge murder.  But also, because He is a holy and good judge, He will judge stealing, lying, dishonoring of parents, lust, and even the very thoughts of our mind.  God judges all sin, even the sin that we think is not a big deal.

So here is the dilemma.  God does love you but God must judge sin (spoiler alert: we are all sinners).  God must make a way that He can satisfy His wrath and judgment against sin and still safe the sinner from it.  The answer - JESUS.  God wrapped Himself in human flesh, lived a perfect life, and then laid down that life to be crucified, taking upon Himself the sin of you and me.  His name is Jesus.  So that no man might dispute what happened on the cross and so that believers may know that God has been victorious, JESUS ROSE FROM THE DEAD.  This is the gospel.

Next week - To fully understand the Gospel we must now understand the character of man and the seriousness of sin.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

At the Center of It All

 . . . but we preach Christ crucified - 1 Corinthians 1:23

Before this proclamation, Paul had given the Corinthian church something to think about concerning the wisdom of the world.  The world was searching for wisdom, while the Jews were searching for a sign.  Nothing has changed really in modern times.  Many walk around as if they are too brilliant for God and His gospel.  This will always be the case.  God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.  However, it is this simple statement by Paul, "but we preach Christ crucified" that needs expounding.

Distraction in the church
Paul was clarifying to the church what he and the other apostles were all about, the preaching of a crucified savior.  In other words, the gospel.  Paul was about the gospel.  The world is about their own wisdom but Paul was about the gospel.  And so . . .  the church is about the gospel.  At that center of what Christianity is all about is the gospel; a crucified savior taking away the sin of all who trust in Him, repent, and follow.  Simple enough, right?

However, in the modern era of the church, the gospel message has lost its centrality to the church and has been replaced with other gospels or secondary issues.  Paul told the Galatian church:

I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel - not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. - Galatians 1:6-7

 We are a very distracted people and our messages reveals it.  This is just a sample of what you might hear today (I would like to focus more on the false gospels in today's post):

The prosperity gospel - This is the message that many preach today - God wants you to be healthy, wealthy, and successful.  "Just believe in yourself and God is at your beck and call to make it happen.", is what they tell us.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  God calls you to give up your life, in faith, and follow His Son Jesus.  Read through the New Testament.  Most of the followers of Christ were not rich and famous . . . actually most of them died a terrible and violent death.  So many churches and Christians have bought into this really bad teaching.  Just know that it is not the gospel.

The life improvement gospel - This is the bulk of teaching in churches today.  It is the ugly cousin of the prosperity gospel. The preacher stands up, usually twisting the Bible, and instructs the congregation how to have happiness, good time management skills, a great career, obedient kids, and a smart dog (not really).  Now in all fairness, the Bible addresses many issues instructing on family, money, and relationships -  but that should not be a central message.  Our central message should be -  the gospel and its transforming power.  Both the prosperity and life-improvement gospels view Jesus as a means to get "stuff" for a good life.

The moral gospel - Let me begin with this disclaimer:  If you are a Christian, God, through His power, is calling you to holiness. (we will look at some other passages in a few weeks for this).  However, so many churches removed the gospel (the very thing that sinners need) and replaced it with a message that says, "God loves you . . . now be good."  This falls well short of the gospel.  We need the gospel before we can ever work on being good.  This gospel says we are not accepted by God unless we are good.  (spoiler alert: we are accepted by what Christ has done, not by our works)

The repeat after me gospel - This has to be one of the greatest tragedies of our time.  So many believe salvation is acquired by repeating a "magical" prayer.  This is usually carried out by preachers wanting to "boost" their numbers.  The preacher asks, "Do you want to go to heaven when you die?"  (Really, who says no to that question).  When someone responds in the affirmative, the preacher says repeat this prayer after me - "Dear God, I know that I'm a sinner . . . . (you know the rest)"  THIS IS NOT THE GOSPEL!

What the World Needs
These are just a few examples. There are many more.  The point is this . . . the gospel of Jesus Christ must be our message.  As one preacher said, "make the main thing, the main thing."  The church needs to be clear and thorough because although we live in a land of many churches, we also live in a land defficient of the gospel.  Maybe you are thinking, "Do I really know the gospel?"  I have come to the conclusion that many people who claim to be Christians have never truly been converted because they have bought into one of these false gospels.  For that reason, for the next few weeks, I am going to explain the gospel according to the Bible.  You might ask, "Does it take 3 or 4 blog posts to explain the gospel?"  The answer - if it is done according to the Bible.  Stay tuned . . .

In Christ,

Pastor Rob

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

People of the Book

As I begin this new chapter in my ministry (leaving bivocational for full time ministry), I prayed and contemplated what new ministries would be most useful to our church and the community in general. Over the past few weeks I had developed a list of new ministries I would be engaging in to proclaim the gospel and declare His Word. This "blogging" ministry is the first on that list. Initially, my thoughts were filled with the plethora of blogging ministries found in the electronic world. Anything from current events to leadership advice, so many pastors have so much to say. This however, is not one of those ministries. I pray that this ministry that begins today is an extension of our pulpit, at First Baptist, which is solidly committed to the expositional preaching of God's Word. In other words, this blog is not about life improvement, current events, or the state of America but devoted to explaining and teaching what God's Word proclaims. I hope and pray to have at least one post a week. Please read and share, coming along beside this pastor to declare, "Thus says the Lord." With that in mind, here we go . . .

One of the major themes of 2 Peter is the warning of the coming of false teachers.  This promise is found in almost every book in the New Testament.  Before Peter begins to address this issue, he needs to make sure that Christians he is writing to are steadfast in their faith.  In verses 16-18, he declared the eye witness account that he, James, and John had experienced on the mount in which Jesus was transfigured.  For most of us, an eyewitness account would be the most solid piece of evidence of anything else.  If you saw something happen, then you would be convinced.  However,  this is not the case with Peter.  He proclaims that there is something even more sure than experience . . . the Word of God.

  And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts, knowing this first of all that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. - 2 Peter 1:19-21 (ESV)

Do you hear the words of scripture?  Scripture is more trustworthy than experience. Peter warns us to pay attention to scripture and then gives us three reasons why.

1. Scripture is Our Source of Light which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts
 If one was lost in the dark woods, a flashlight would have tremendous value.  We live not in dark woods but a dark world.  Scripture allows us to see the world as it really is through the eyes of God.  For this reason, the center piece of the church should not be entertainment (disguised as worship), programs, activities, or even good works.  Scripture is what we feast on because scripture is our light. Good things proceed from the Christian that is filled with the Word of God.  Consider this . . . if you were trapped in a burning building, would you prefer a well fed fireman to attempt to rescue you or someone who has not eaten for a week.  The answer is obvious.  Dear church, let us recognize our need for the lamp of God's Word.

2. Scripture is not Determined by Man - knowing this first of all that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. 

In other words, these are not the ideas or thoughts of a man.  Unfortunately, we live in time were so many want to twist the scripture to mean what they desire.  Have you ever heard statements like this:

"what this verse says to me is  . . . "
"well you might see that scripture one way but I see it this way . . "
"God showed me a new revelation"

It is actually pretty common to hear those statements in churches today. But, THEY ARE ALL WRONG.  Peter is teaching us here that scripture did not come from man, therefore, man does not get to determine what scripture means.  Think of it this way.  If I wrote a book, the book says what I wrote and means what I wrote.  Seems obvious, right?  The goal of scripture is not to figure out what it means to us but to determine what God is saying.  And this lead us to the final point . . .

3. Scripture is the very Word of God - For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

This declaration is very clear.  The Bible is from God.  He worked through man but it is most certainly from God.  If we truly believe this, our attitude towards the Bible should be one of reverence, fear, diligence, and devotion.  God has chosen to speak to us through His Word.  Therefore, let us evaluate everything we see and hear through the Scripture we so often ignore.